Benutzerspezifische Werkzeuge


erstellt von Felix Martin zuletzt verändert: 23.03.2021 22:52

Guidelines for archimaera's Contributors

The final acceptance of proposals is subject to a rigorous double blind peer review process and to the incorporation of any changes that were recommended by a reviewer. Authors are asked to prepare proposals in a common compatible word processing software (e.g. Microsoft Word) or at least save them in this format. The smallest file format is rtf (rich text format).
A template with the character styles for headings, subheadings, body text, footnotes and captions can be downloaded here. The template contains Microsoft Word's character styles for titles, body text and subheadings. We highly recommend to strictly follow our guidelines (font size, line spacing etc.) to shorten the editorial process.
In addition to the proposals, we'd like to invite our contributors to submit a short bio (5-15 lines) including a portrait photograph (at least 155 x 200 pixels). Both, the short bio and the portrait, will be published in the authors section of this website. While writing, please pay attention to the following guidelines:
  • An essay should not exceed 30,000 characters (with spaces), a review should not exceed 3,000 characters (with spaces).
  • Authors are asked to submit a summary of 1,000 characters (with spaces) along with the text. The abstract will precede the contribution in the final document.
  • Texts can be submitted in German or English. For texts in English, please use British spelling throughout.
Papers include:

  • Title, name of the author and the place wehre he/she is currently based. The text is aligned flush left (no justification);
  • no return at the end of lines, only at the end of paragraphs, no blank lines between the paragraphs, no manual hyphens at the end of lines;
  • no spaces or tabs at the beginning of the first line of a paragraph;
  • no UPPERCASE words for headings or emphasised words;
  • no double spaces;
  • no enumerations or bulletin lists in Word’s auto format;
  • subheadings are  in the same font as the text body, both of them separated by an empty line before and after.
  • Please use additional formatting as little as possible only moderately (e.g. italics);
  • no increased letterspacing, no underlines, no varying fonts (fonts), no bold text (except for headings and subheadings);
  • Titles or names of books, magazines, manuscripts, pictures are generally put in italics, but not in quotation marks. The same applies to technical terms, which the author wants to emphasise on their first appearance (please use italics sparingly).
  • Literary quotes of up to five lines in length are highlighted within the body text by "quotation marks" (quotes inside a quote by 'simple quotation marks'). Quotes that are longer than five lines are set as a separate paragraph. Omitted sections in quotations are marked by "[...]" [square brackets!], as well as additional information provided by the author.
  • Literary quotations from languages other than German, English or French must - in an endnote - be translated into German.
  • hyphens / dashes: when using hyphens, there is generally no gap before and after: e.g. Maria-Theresien-StraĂźe. Dashes symbolise — in general — a supplement to the text, please always use spaces before and after (unless when combined with punctuation marks "-,").
  • Abbreviations: no abbreviations may be used in the text body, common ones are allowed in endnotes: ed., e.g. (without spaces), incl., ibid.
  • Quotation marks: use neutral quotation marks ("...", shift + 2 on British keyboards); please do not use typographical quotation marks.
  • Please use commas after every third digit for numbers above 1,000.
  • Dates: 1 January 2021.
  • Non–Breaking spaces are to be used for related numbers, characters or abbreviations that are not supposed to be separated by line breaks, e.g. at x%, § xxx or € xxx.

  • Illustrations are to be provided by the author without any exception. Contributors are responsible for obtaining permissions to publish any submitted illustration. If there are unresolved legal claims by institutions or persons, contributors are obliged to inform the editorial board.
  • Images should be submitted separately at a resolution of 300 dpi. Minimum size is 10.5x15cm (postcard format). Please do not include image files in text files, as the editors will insert them in the final Proof of the Text.
  • Images files should be numbered so that they can be clearly assigned.
  • In the text, authors have to insert a caption number when they refer to one of the illustrations (fig. 1).
  • Please provide short captions, including all necessary information on the author, origins and copyright holders of each illustration. Captions should not exceed 500 characters (including spaces).
Footnotes and Endnotes

  • Footnotes are placed as endnotes after the body text.
  • No blank lines are inserted between the individual footnotes.
  • Endnote numbers are formatted as superscript without brackets immediately after the passage to be explained or at the end of the sentence after the punctuation mark.
  • References to more than one page are connected with a hyphen [-], e.g. p. 4-12. Insert a Full stop between the source and the number of pages.
  • If a previously mentioned title is quoted again, only the last name of the author and year of publication is mentioned (exception: various authors with identical last names). Please always provide a reference to the first endnote in which the publication was first mentioned.
  • If several works of an author were published in the same year, please add a "a", "b" etc. behind the year of publication..
  • Please insert a full stop at the end of each endnote.

  • Names of architects, authors, editors or translators are reproduced without any emphasis. Please provide the full first and last name of the author (editor). Lists of up to three authors (editors) are separated by slashes ["/"]. For publications with more than three authors (editors), insert et al. after the first name.
  • The titles of books or essays should be reproduced in full, unless they are of unusual length, such as those f historical works.
  • Titles of monographs, collections and magazines have to be formatted in italics. Titles of journal articles have to put in quotation marks.
  • If several references are included in one endnote, a full stop has to be inserted between the individual mentions.
  • Main titles and subtitles of a publication should be separated by a full stop, unless the original title uses a different character [such as "-" or ":"].
  • Place and year of publication have to be included. Up to three places are separated by commas. If there are more than three places, please use first place of publication followed by "et al.".
  • Publishers are not mentioned. If desired, titles that are part of a series of publications can be supplemented by the title of the series at the end of the bibliographical specification.
  • Volumes should be included in Latin numbers. If magazines use the year of publication in addition to the number of the volume, this may be included in brackets after the volume number.
  • The names of magazines, encyclopedias etc. should be included. The names of archives can be abbreviated if they are named for the first time, further appearances can be abbreviated.
Examples of literature references:

Monographs and Anthologies

one author or editor:
Ulrich Pfammatter: Die Erfindung des modernen Architekten. Basel, Boston, Berlin 1997.
Stefan Schuler: Vitruv im Mittelalter. Die Rezeption von "De architectura" von der Antike bis in die frĂĽhe Neuzeit. Köln, Weimar, Wien 1999. Pictura et Poesis 12.
Hans G. Helms (Hg.): Die Stadt als Gabentisch. Beobachtungen der aktuellen Städtebauentwicklung. Leipzig 1992.
several authors or editors:
Daniel Arasse / Andreas Tönnesmann: Der europäische Manierismus. 1520-1610. MĂĽnchen 1997. Universum der Kunst 42.
Winfried Nerdinger u.a. (Hg.): Bruno Taut. 1880-1938. Architekt zwischen Tradition und Avantgarde. Stuttgart, MĂĽnchen 2001.
For new editions of older works, the name of the publisher and the first edition can be mentioned:
Bruno Taut: Die Stadtkrone. Neuausgabe v. Manfred Speidel. Berlin 2002. (1919).
Journal Articles:
Adelheid von Saldern: "Im Haus, zu Hause. Wohnen im Spannungsfeld von Gegebenheiten und Aneignungen." In: JĂĽrgen Reulecke (Hg.). Geschichte des Wohnens 3. 1800-1918. Das bĂĽrgerliche Zeitalter. Stuttgart 1997. S. 145-332.
Peter Sloterdijk: "Zellenbau, Egosphären, Selbstcontainer. Zur Explikation der ko-isolierten Existenz durch das Appartment." In: archplus 169/170 (2004). S. 26-40.
Rudolf Maria Bergmann: "Grenzenlose Transparenz, grenzenlose Anpassung. Ăśber Verwandlungen des architektonischen Raums." In: Centrum. 2004 2005. Jahrbuch Architektur und Stadt. Darmstadt 2005. S. 118-121.
Please comply with these requirements as closely as possible, as this significantly speeds up the publication of an article. If a publication can not be referenced in the manner stated above, please use a citation method that appears approximate to archimaera's guidelines.